Scratch Paper
Bruno Davaillon

Executive Chef/Owner
Madeleines Vanille / Miel / Citron
330 grs - egg
80 grs - egg yolks
270 grs - Sugar
270 grs - All purpose flour
10 grs - baking powder
300 grs - butter (melted)
1 Vanilla bean
*3 Lemons
100 gr - honey
Whisk eggs, egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla until fluffy.
Add flour and baking powder. Mix slowly, and melted butter ( 125 deg F ).
Reserve in plastic container and let rest in fridge for 6 hours
Butter and flour madeleines mold. Pipe with pastry bag.
Bake at 375 degrees F for 11 minutes
Remove madeleine from mold. Place on rack and brush them with honey / lemon zest / lemon juice mix.
Serve hot.